Friday, November 21, 2008

Texas Association for G/T Conference November 2008

I presented a parent session entitle "What do I do with this kid?". It was very well received and one participant suggested I start a blog- so here I am. I forgot how validating it was the first time I heard other parents share their frustrations about parenting their GT kids. Non-GT parents often think we are just being whiners- but there really are unusual challenges we face. I hope to share resources and will post some of the day to day challenges and success I have with my 10 yr GT old son. Here is my top 10 "survival" slide text from the presentation:
  1. Relax and lighten up
  2. Educate yourself (books, conferences)- resources to follow in subsequent posts
  3. Join/start a parent support group
  4. Join/start child support group
  5. Use honest and upfront communication wiht your self, your child, the school
  6. Give your child information (books, talk)
  7. Nutrition, sleep and supplements
  8. Goals and plans- have your child make them you make them too
  9. Teach your child self-determination skills to be repsonsible for his own learning
  10. Seek professional counseling (child and adult)

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